Training Programs

Training That Meets Your Organization’s Cyber Needs​​

Our training and certification programs cover the widest array of topics and skills, creating value for every team and rank of your organization: security teams, IT and OT professionals, general employees, and executives at various management levels.

Each program is individually tailored to your security and technology configuration, the skills you require of your workforce, and a threat model built from our extensive set of cyberthreats and attack scenarios, giving special attention to the areas you wish to strengthen.

Live attacks, run by real-life hackers

Run by ex-intelligence experts, our realistic training gives your teams the opportunity to improve their teamwork and collaboration skills. Once they have completed the training exercise, participants receive detailed feedback about their performance from our Red Team hackers, who will share their offensive strategies, prioritize any weak points that have been revealed, and advise on how performance can be improved. 

Tailored to your business DNA

Because no two organizations are exactly the same, we tailor your training solution to meet your exact needs, reflecting your security and technology configuration, and the precise threat model that you face.

Building a relevant, made-to-measure training program from our extensive set of cyber threat and attack scenarios, our training portfolio answers the security trends that our experts have identified as being most critical to you.

By tailoring each program to your organization, we ensure that your investment optimizes the performance of your people – the most crucial, risky and costly security resource in your organization.

Training topics include:

Cyber Threats Defense and Essentials
Network Forensics and Analysis
SOC Intrusion – Detection Tactics
Basic Incident Response – Principal Tactics
Penetration Testing and Ethical Hacking Fundamentals

Cyber Guardian Certification

Give your IT professionals a comprehensive body of knowledge, hands-on experience and live training, covering all the elements they need in order to successfully protect your organization from any cyber event.

CYBERGYM will turn your IT team into the cyber trustees of your organization, trained to provide a quick and effective response to any cyber event that may occur.  We give them the tools they need to identify, contain and handle an attack, while continuously reporting to management and successfully interfacing between internal and external teams, service-providers and decision-makers.

  • Cybersecurity Awareness - Essentials Workshop


    Introduction to the key architectural and technological concepts of cybersecurity.

  • Security Monitoring & Management


    Tools, concepts and methods used to monitor and manage the network security infrastructure

  • Network Security Concepts & Methodologies


    Key cyber security threats, attack patterns and risks in the cyber world.

  • Essential Tools for Cyber Investigation


    Professional tools to investigate an incident, collect initial evidence, and extract the required information for use by the incident response team

  • Incident Response - Principal Tactics


    Tools, skills and work methods utilized by an incident response team.

  • Cyber Crisis Management


    Skills and concepts required for successful management of a major cyber incident, based on best practices and actual case studies

  • Ethical Hacking & Penetration Testing Principles


    Principles, methodologies and tools for ethical hacking and penetration testing.

  • Overview of Cyber Basics


    Internal processes, mechanisms and stages of malware execution; hands-on experience in collecting evidence and performing a forensic investigation.

  • Zero to Hero


    An intensive experience, summarizing all skills, tools, concepts and techniques covered during the program

CREST Approved Training Provider